Citizen TV News anchor, Julie Gichuru takes us back during her fun
times in high school. She was beautiful and loved drama and
arts.Greatness is not a one year or one time thing it always start at an
earlier age. Those who make it are the ones who invest in what they are
gifted at and strive to be the best.
Nothing comes easy, it takes working smart. Here is Julie Gichuru in High School….**MUST SEE**
PHOTOS Of Beautiful JULIE GICHURU In High School. This Is What She Used To Do.** MUST SEE**
PHOTOS Of Beautiful JULIE GICHURU In High School. This Is What She Used To Do.** MUST SEE**
Just Like VERA SIDIKA..Kenyan Media Personality BEATRICE MARSHALL Bleaching Backfires..She Forgot to Bleach her hands..SEE PHOTO
Shame as Socialite Huddah Monroe Teaches Young High School Girls how to Tw' erk! *MUST SEE PHOTOS*