Speaking at the Marketo Marketing Nation Summit 2014 , Clinton reportedly said, “I am thinking about it,” when asked if she has 2016 intentions.
She also joked to the 3,500 strong crowd of marketers, who actually paid $1,195 (Approximately Kshs. 104,000) to attend the event, “I’m actually here to get some marketing advice.”
“I am obviously flattered and deeply honored, and I am thinking about it,” she reportedly said. “I’m going to continue to think about it,” she added, according to NBC News’s Andrew Rafferty.
Clinton 2016
Clinton’s acknowledgment comes almost exactly six months since she told a crowd of businessmen at a Long Island country club she wouldn’t “begin thinking about it until sometime next year.”
At this rate, Mashable predicts an official Hillary 2016 announcement approximately six months from now — set your clocks for October 2014!