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Pangani’s Suicide Bomber Sponsored a Football Club in Majengo

Kenya has been on alert for attacks since last September’s assault by al-Shabab gunmen on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi that left 67 people dead.
Recent was the Pangani Blast which came three weeks after police arrested more than 600 people in Eastleigh following explosions that killed six.
Investigations reveal that the Pangani suicide bomber sponsored a football club in the Majengo slums. The terrorist believed to be Abdul Hajira was described as “extremely humble and generous” by members of the club.
Hajira sponsored Young Achievers Football Club, which he founded in August last year to help the slum’s poor youths develop their soccer talents.
Players told of a father-figure who although only in his early twenties, dreamt of them featuring in the elite Kenya Premier League.