'WARNING: This post is EXTREMELY graphic and reader’s discretion is advised prior to clicking on this article
We live in a world where woman are dying to be ‘beautiful’ , women
want the full lips, bubble butt, breasts like look like peaches and a
figure like Vera Sidika.Kenyan girls are no exception and are also dying to be ‘beautiful’, literally, with girls stuffing themselves with black market silicone, facial bleaching with Venus De Milo and creams that enlarge your booty. Most of his procedures can be fatal especially when done by a quack or when one uses toxic chemicals. Kenyan celebrities have not been left behind with some of them being accused of enhancing their assets. As much as we hate to admit it, there are young gullible girls who look up to these ‘celebrities’ and want to look like them. But unlike some of them they cannot afford good surgery and end up consulting black market practitioners who end up using toxic chemicals such as industrial grade silicone
One woman Apryl Brown lost her hands legs and got her buttocks charred badly all in the pursuit of a stellar behind. Here is her behind after the silicon started burning her skin

Apryl's buttocks before they were amputated following the fatal injection
and here she is after she lost her limbs

Photo:Daily Mail/Channel 5
Guys have not also been left out with some injecting Synthol in their biceps hoping to look like Tyson Beckford but end up looking like a backfired Popeye

The effect of synthol
Synthol can sometimes explode and your hands end up looking like this

So ladies and gents ,before you think of enhancing yourself,ask yourself "Is the possibility of becoming 'eye-candy' worth losing your limbs and buttocks ?"